Welcome to the World of Crayon
The story begins one not so beautiful winter evening. A group of three men is heading back to their home after a long day at work. Delhi, as we have come to witness, is dying of pollution. The streets are choking with the dysfunctional exhausts of vehicles. The broader than usual streets are bottlenecked with broken down two-wheelers.
“There has to be a solution to all this!” think these men. And at that very moment, their first step in electric mobility begins. Overcoming various hurdles the trio successfully launch their first electric three-wheeler. The journey leads to a ride giving them a high with some blows along the way. Having a network expanding across the nation, their mission has yielded results. Needless to say, they have made a positive impact.
However, they are still not satisfied. Pollution continues to grow with summers slowly becoming as unbearable as winters. The future of millions of families is at stake. It is time to take this drive further. Electric mobility for all is their motto. And, this leads to the birth of Crayon.
Petrol two-wheelers account for the maximum number of vehicles sold in the country. There has to be a drive towards shifting this user base to electric mobility. However, a key focus has to be on keeping the products pocket-friendly. But not at the cost of compromising on the product quality.
Crayon products have gone through hundreds of hours of testing and designing, ensuring their compatibility to the notorious Indian roads. Furthermore, they perform better than the traditional Internal Combustion Engines (ICEs) both economically and in performance. Further, to create a double benefit, the company will plant a tree for every product sold. In effect, having a positive double impact on the environment.
So what’s the way forward from here?
The company has started off with a range of low-speed electric two-wheelers and intends to build on the same. Keeping in mind the economic viability of it all, there are projects in the pipeline that shall effectively utilize the much-discussed FAME subsidy offered by the Indian Government. The sky is the limit, and they are hungry. All possible avenues towards this green drive shall be explored, and participation sought from all stakeholders. The end goal is to make India a leader in adoption and manufacturing of electric automobiles.
Your support is required. And, together, we shall succeed.
To learn from you, the company is looking for feedback through various social media platforms. Love them or hate them. Do voice your opinion. Only through sharing of information will we prosper. These platforms shall also help the company post regular updates regarding its products, developments, and tips to achieve the best out of your electric bike.